When it is about care, we should let our jewellery take over and speak to you! 

Not a lot, just a little tender loving care from you, and we will have a long journey together, charming everyone at every step of our way.

♥  Always keep us safe from humidity, moisture and extreme temperatures. 

♥  We love our originality and hate being dropped, scratched, chipped or entangled.

♥  Please always store us in a separate box or our pouches (We love being eco-friendly).  

♥  When dressing, we should be put on last because make-up, cosmetics and perfumes can cause damage. 

♥  Before removing your make-up, or being exposed to water, make sure you remove us first to save us from any damage.

♥  Body oils and sweat can cause our plating to discolour or tarnish. Remove us before you exercise or do strenuous chores.

♥  Please make sure we are not in regular contact with hard surfaces because that will scratch or wear down our plating or enamelling. 

♥  Amongst all of us, rings, bracelets and cuffs are the most delicate ones. Wear it sparingly to avoid damage through impact. 

♥  We are adorned with pretty stones and require extra care and consideration while wearing.

♥  Never ever clean us with detergent, soap, toothpaste or liquid cleaners. A gentle rub with a jewellery cloth is all we need. 

♥  If you wear us for significant periods of time, our plating might wear down. To restore our appearance you can have it replated.